Thursday, February 9

Green Baby

7.5 Months Pregnant Baby #2

8.5 Months Pregnant

 As time has come to pass, I've been on such a emotional, amazing, eye opening, journey these past few months. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Amy, and I am 23 years old. I have two amazing little boys that are the blessings that keep me going everyday. The MIRACLE of my pregnancies is a story in itself.  The story of how I've come to be who I am today, is another testimony, of how wonderful and amazing God has been to me. Another huge part of my life is health, fitness, and nutrition. If you are a stranger, friend, relative, please read this story and testimony and support this new journey I am about to embark on.

Seventeen, what can I say. It was a huge year for me. I reunited with my soon to be husband, got married on my eighteenth birthday. I was a very passionate person, but definitely was just a young girl who thought she knew it all and in reality didn't have a clue about anything. It was NOT by any means a good time in my life. I was unhappy, negative, confused about life, working at a job that made me miserable. I didn't have God in my life, my God was making money, having a career, dreams of being a independent successful business women. I worked in securities (financial planning, investment advisory services) and was the youngest person my boss had ever hired. Not only was I the youngest, but I was eager to learn, and fast at learning the business. I was being sponsored for my series 7, had the textbook, got my life license...the whole works.. I was underpaid, and overworked. I decided to quit my job and find a place where I was appreciated. I just so happened to get a job working for a christian, who ended up treating me like family.  So here I am 19 now, and what do you know, I got pregnant! Just a little history about that, I was told the odds of me getting pregnant were nearly impossible. It had never crossed my mind that I would have a baby of my own. I just never got pregnant, so my husband and I put it out of our minds. He always had hope, but I didn't (being that I was a very negative person). That positive pregnancy test changed everything about me, inside and out. I was a mother from the moment I found out. I use to be a junk food addict! I never ate a fruit or vegetable a day in my life! I was very thin, and never worried about being "healthy". That all changed when I found out I was pregnant. I ate healthy, I worked out, I was a Nazi about everything that I was eating and doing, absolutely no sugar or dairy! I wanted to do it all right! Since I was underweight, my doctor suggested I gain at least 35 pounds which is exactly what I did. She said I was her perfect patient! I ended up weighing 135 pounds clothes off ( lets not forget all of us who have been pregnant that every piece of clothing counts when we see that number!! lol, shoes always off at the doctors office) the last day I was pregnant. I had a healthy baby boy October 30th, 2008. He arrived the day before his due date, naturally. No induction, no C section. I wasn't going to breastfeed but once he was in my arms, I decided I would for the first 15 months. So I have this precious little boy, who melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes because of all the love I felt for him. It was also the year I accepted Jesus into my life, and decided to raise my children to love and know God. I was like every first time mom, paranoid, and overly protective. Made all homemade organic foods for him, bought him only healthy foods. No juices, no sweets, everything had to be "perfect". I had decided I would teach him spanish, baby sign language and just have my little guy soak up as much knowledge as possible. God would soon show me that my son would do what was in HIS will not mine.

Fast forward a year later, my son is not developing at a normal rate. He is not hitting his milestones as he should be. I worry like any mother would, and assume the worst. He also had a reaction to cows milk that caused him to throw up every meal he ate for a whole month. Doctors couldn't explain what it was that caused this. When I took my baby to get a ultrasound of his tummy, I broke down and cried in front of the whole waiting room and doctor. Just bawled and had a whole room of people staring at me. From the moment my child was vaccinated, I had a gut feeling and was terrified of injecting him. All I could think was this was the cause of these weird abnormalities and sensitivities he was having. After the month of throwing up, he refused to eat anything that had a texture. No solids. only pureed foods. He would throw up if there was a chunk of anything in it. I told the pediatrician my concerns about his speech, and eating but she said he would most likely outgrow it.  It was apparent something was off. He was not talking, and still he had eating issues. I finally got a referral for a speech and occupational therapist, people who would have SUCH a huge impact in my sons life and development.

 Boo is 1, and I find out I'm pregnant again. A huge shock! I was working out, began to vacuum than felt blood gushing. I was beyond terrified. I'm at the hospital in pain, bleeding, and then I get a emergency ultrasound. I see my baby! Tears and more emotion than I've ever felt hit me like a ton of bricks, it was like the world stopped and my baby could see me looking at him, it was such a intimate moment...I felt the love all over again for the little bean. I was rolled into another room only to be told I was going to have a miscarriage. The placenta was detaching and the pregnancy would end. I couldn't accept this, and was angry more than anything. Why? I got the hand out they give about what to except and do. The drive home was emotional! I waited a week but nothing happened. I returned to my doctor and was told I would get another ultrasound to see what was going on. They said it was possible the tear could heal but it would take months. A week later, my tear was GONE, healed completely. We had had two churches and many loving people praying for this baby. He fought hard and made it through! It was a miracle! 

It was hard to meet my sons needs and be pregnant, but I pushed through. This baby gave me hope and also was a motivation factor for good things to come. I maintained my fitness levels by weight lifting, running, and ate super foods during my pregnancy. I even managed to keep some definition in my arms with a baby bump. I became a maternity model for "Expecting Models". It was a exciting and scary time for me. My son was now 2 and beginning to say some words. Things were moving along but I still worried so much about him. I educated myself throughout this time about natural healing of the body after pregnancy, during pregnancy, and natural living. Even though I used natural products I wanted to step it up a notch. I learned SO much valuable information and started to embark on a new journey. I encapsulated my placenta, and reaped ALL the benefits from doing so. I was able to get my abs back in 3-4 months after having Alex, people kept asking what the secret was to being on my feet a day after having a baby and feeling so amazing, shrinking the mommy belly. The healing was beyond anything I could comprehend. Even my doctor who knew nothing about placenta encapsulation decided if she had another baby she would HAVE to do it after seeing the healing that took place in my body. 

I learned about non-toxic baby products, and even saw that most of the cleaning products, cosmetics, and household items I had weren't good for my babies or myself. I threw out all my cosmetics, perfumes, and went completely natural. I started to see that organic, and eating healthy wasn't necessarily the only problem America is dealing with. We are living in a HIGHLY toxic world now, and are bodies ARE being effected by it. I am here to tell you that I have VALUABLE information on how I was able to conceive again by lowering the toxicity levels in my body. By detoxing my son of all the vaccines,chemicals and god knows what by using zeolite, and iodine, removing chemicals from our home, he is catching up with his speech and growing now. The improvement is drastic in such a short time. There is so much information out there but how do you ever know what is right or wrong? I will be giving FREE information on my blog about non toxic foods, placenta encapsulation, natural motherhood, cancer epidemic in children , natural cleaning, baby green proofing, and MUCH more. So PLEASE pass on the word and embark on this new journey with me as I become a Green Baby Planner. 

My boys brought me to a place of understanding, and have showed me where God wants me to be. We all want the best for our children, and sometimes its hard to figure out what is right for "your" family since all of us have different needs and lifestyles. the important thing to know is there is never just one "right" way to do things. I know the difficulties and struggles as a young mom, I've walked the walk and live it everyday. Please feel free to email me, and ask ANY questions if you are just starting or a veteran on your journey into natural motherhood.

1 comment:

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Just really happy you have come all that way & have a beautiful family and life for you!! I agree with being natural with foods and house hold items, its what we do here and we are really into looking up the ingredients in items at the store, most people don't know what's in the food they eat or products they use and it can be really harmful. I wish you lots more happiness and good times with your beautiful boys!! xoxo