Thursday, July 14

Getting it Back

I am 3 months post baby, and on my way back to getting my six pack abs back. Its been a long road in such a short time. I have had so many roadblocks and feel like I am finally accepting that I can't do it all. With the demands of breastfeeding, and the never ending days juggling myself between house work, and  kids I am exhausted all the time. I was able to do start P90X and complete a month of it before my milk supply dropped drastically, so for now I do 3-6 days a week of high intensity fully body resistance work-outs. Its been tough but I decided to commit and stick through this until the very end.

Even though I have a long road ahead of me, I am making the effort and giving myself some grace. Being fit has been apart of who I am for the past few years, so being tired and not having energy is not something I can come to terms with so easily. I still remember how long it took me to feel like "myself" again after I had my first son, so even though I am not doing too bad so far I think all of us would like to magically wake up with our pre baby bodies in a day. Not to mention I had two babies in two years, which can take a toll on anyone's body! I feel blessed that I haven't had a problem dropping the weight, or fitting back into my jeans, but lowering my body fat has been a challenge, and does take me time. I know it will happen in time, but for now this is my second round of getting my body back and it is hard work I tell ya!

If you are in a similar boat, there is hope! With time, hard work, and patience results will come.