Thursday, January 27

Must have mommy essentials

One of the benefits of maternity modeling, is getting to see all the new unreleased products that are coming out! I came across a couple of new products that are a must for any mom on the go. As a first time mom, I thought I knew what I needed, but ended getting things my baby hated and I later on hated as well. A lot of the stuff that I ended up getting was a waist of money to be honest. Whether you are a first time mom, second, third time mom there are always new products coming out that are going to make our lives easier but sometimes they are not easy to find. I have managed to narrow down some of my favorite must have products I wanted to share with other moms.

Things people don't ever mention to you when you are pregnant with your first baby, the biggest thing was diaper leakage. I had received tons of Huggies from my baby shower, but pampers were the only ones that didn't leak for my son. Come to find another mom I knew who had a baby girl said the pampers leaked for her daughter, and Huggies worked.  These are things that as a first time mom you would never know, but do your research! Find out what works best for boys, and what works best for girls. There are always the cloth diaper systems that are super easy to use now, like G Diapers. I plan on eventually switching over to cloth.

Baby Hygiene! You want to always look for natural products. People normally will give Johnsons and Johnsons but it has so many unnecessary chemicals that are harsh on a babys skin and can cause major rashes. Look for natural products such as California Baby. Another alternative is home made lotions, and soaps for you and your little one.

One last thing to mention, strollers and baby wearing. This is all upon preference but baby bonding is essential for any child's development. I am a huge believer in baby wearing. I didn't use a stroller until recently and even so rarely ever use it. You can also wear your baby as they grow older, and even through pregnancy. I am a living testimony to that. You may want to invest in some different baby carriers instead of a huge bulky stroller. I could've gotten 2-3 baby carriers for what I paid for the stroller I never used, was way to heavy, big, and took up alot of space for someone who lives in a apartment with no storage. Do your research and make your decision.

Here are some products that I will be using with my second baby and hope you guys can also benefit from them all. With casting calls for Boo and myself, and soon baby Alex we are always on the go. I have to be able to breastfeed, and care for my 2 while on the go so having the right tools is a must. These will all make my life sooo much easier.

How do you do it on the go?? This bag not only is cute, and has plenty of storage but also turns into a nursing station with a pillow inside.  It is just like the my breast friend pillow. Another investment! I know from experience instead of the Boppy, please get the My breast friend pillow instead. It works sooo much better.

If you have a moby your going to want to re think your baby wrap. The Sleep Wrap is a higher quality fabric and overall better product. Check it out, love the fact that it really tailors to any mom, whether you are tall or petite it will work for you.

If you have a very strong baby that just always seems to wiggle there way out of there swaddle, this is a must! I love how light it is, my son never seemed hot in it and I used it up until he was 9 months old. It saved my life when it came towards getting a full nights sleep.

Lace Tauts Post Pregnancy Wrap by Brooke

These post partum tauts are great! Wear it for 40 days all day and night, and you will definitely feel a difference with your core muscles and uterus shrinking back to its previous state.


The Boba carrier. I had a baby hawk, bjorn, and didnt like them at all. This is the ultimate comfort for mom and baby.


Beautiful wraps, and another must have! The fabrics are soft, light and gorgeous!

I am a big believer in investing in different wraps. You will always need wraps and carriers for different circumstances. I will be wearing both of the boys at the same time, and know it is something that will work with my active lifestyle. More products to come. All I can say is research, research, research! Hope you find at least one thing that can make your life easier. Had to make this short because my little guy wont go to sleep. More products coming on the next blog. Have a blessed night :)


Monday, January 24

Adventures of Super Mom....

I know that in my book if you can carry a human being inside of you for 9 months, birth it,  and raise it you're a super hero. I didn't realize how much I have been doing up until lately. It seems like I have somehow transitioned from stay at home mom, who has no life, to busy stay at home mom who is always tired and busy. The fatigue has gotten worse lately but I know it is just my body's way of telling me "slow down". Of course in my mind I can't slow down because I'm suppose to be a super hero right? Well, being pregnant really gives me no other option except to do just what my body is telling me to do. I have always felt like the more I do, the more I have achieved, the happier I am. When it's time to rest and slow down, I begin to think I have no purpose anymore. Coming to terms with the fact that this couch and I are going to be much more acquainted over these next few weeks is hard, but I have to accept it and be content. Still hoping the doctor will call me with some magic pill, or vitamin to get me up and going again. Even though I am up, working out, and awake, I can zone out VERY quickly now.

Sunday, Boo woke up with Pink Eye. Not just any pink eye either, a big swollen looked like he got punched pink eye. I couldn't help but feel powerless in the situation. Not knowing what was wrong, what caused it, I couldn't make it could this be if I am a super hero? Well, of course I am not a super hero but I sure do have super hero powers when it comes towards my babies. Was able to get the eye to open with a warm bath, and that helped calm me down. Notice how I say "ME" he was not happy about his eye but once he saw I was okay, so was he. I realized at that moment that he's the super hero, not me. Somehow kids manage to always see the good in every situation, no matter what's going on. Here he is in pain, but still managing to play peek-a-boo and smile. He was a doll at the emergency room with the nurses and doctors as long as he wasn't being touched. We bribed him with a peanut butter brownie cookie to last the whole 5 hours of waiting to be seen. I just see how much I learn from him. I panic a lot but have to learn to be like him. Happy regardless of what's going on around me.  This applies to all areas of my life. Not holding onto the bad in a situation but all the good that surrounds me while I am going through tough situations.

Positive thinking is not a easy train of thought, but I know if I can visualize it, I am going to live by it. Home Depot has a giant dry eraser board for only $10. I say invest in one. Create a board with what you want and look at it everyday. I am going to challenge anyone and everyone who reads this to do just that and see if it helps you put into practice whatever it is you need to do. Goals, scriptures, positive affirmations, pictures..whatever you need to remind yourself of where you are going.  Super mom to the rescue! Have a casting for Disney tomorrow. Yippee. Wish me luck


Sunday, January 16

Maternity Photoshoot

With my due date rapidly approaching, I have to take any opportunity to photograph this little guy while he's in my belly while I can. I didn't know what to expect today when Agnes and I met, but it was such a pleasure meeting such a down to earth photographer. Today was the first time I worked with a women photographer, and I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable before. Being pregnant is a blessing, and a amazing experience but it also is a time when you feel like a whale cow so trying to feel and look confident is one of the difficulties with being a maternity model. Agnes, along with her fiance were a great team. I HIGHLY recommend her services to any person looking to not only have beautiful photos taken but, also amazing service. A lot of the time we go online, and look for a photographers portfolio..what can they capture on film... how awesome is there website, but you never know what you will get when you end up shooting the photos. What if you don't get along, what if it wasn't as enjoyable as you imagined it would be? It's the person that takes the photos that really defines there photography...who they at ease they can make there clients feel. Pregnancy, with each child is something you want to look back on and smile about. I may have more children one day, but this baby is only going to be in my belly once. Each pregnancy is different, and will be remembered differently, so maternity photos are a special thing for any mom to be. As a mother, I know the first thing I want is someone I can trust around my child, and be myself with. Thank God, Agnes and I had the opportunity to do just that today. Moms, check out her stuff!!!

Boo, what can I say about him? I love him beyond words and he's growing so much each day. He had a blast at the park, although there were a few meltdown moments, that was to be expected. Enjoying each and everyday with him while I can before his brothers arrival. As we speak, Nemo is entertaining him, and I need to put him to bed.  Be Blessed.