Thursday, July 14

Getting it Back

I am 3 months post baby, and on my way back to getting my six pack abs back. Its been a long road in such a short time. I have had so many roadblocks and feel like I am finally accepting that I can't do it all. With the demands of breastfeeding, and the never ending days juggling myself between house work, and  kids I am exhausted all the time. I was able to do start P90X and complete a month of it before my milk supply dropped drastically, so for now I do 3-6 days a week of high intensity fully body resistance work-outs. Its been tough but I decided to commit and stick through this until the very end.

Even though I have a long road ahead of me, I am making the effort and giving myself some grace. Being fit has been apart of who I am for the past few years, so being tired and not having energy is not something I can come to terms with so easily. I still remember how long it took me to feel like "myself" again after I had my first son, so even though I am not doing too bad so far I think all of us would like to magically wake up with our pre baby bodies in a day. Not to mention I had two babies in two years, which can take a toll on anyone's body! I feel blessed that I haven't had a problem dropping the weight, or fitting back into my jeans, but lowering my body fat has been a challenge, and does take me time. I know it will happen in time, but for now this is my second round of getting my body back and it is hard work I tell ya!

If you are in a similar boat, there is hope! With time, hard work, and patience results will come.


The Dainty Dolls House said...

We're not far from the same shape really. I've done nothing but walking and yoga since having my daughter, but like you am a bit tired of not having the energy to do everything and I'm used to doing harder work outs really, my body can't keep up with just pilates. But, I've tried more this time to do what the Doctors recommend and not do hard workouts for so many weeks after having a baby & that time is ending, so I am going to happily work my bottom off because I feel a bit sluggish from not hard training & you know we're meant to be superwomen ;) But, make sure you cut yourself some slack and have some icecream here and there, you look fantastic and beautiful, you'll get to where you want to be in no time! I need toning everywhere really, so I am avoiding full mirrors when getting dresses or I just sit and stare. And breast feeding can take its toll too. I am sure you are doing a fantastic job!! Have a beautiful weekend & I hope your sweet boys are doing great! xx

angietran1982 said...

you look GREAT!!! I am about to start INSANITY soon!! Can't wait to see how that goes!